UNH Study Finds One-in-Six US Children Experience Online Sexual Abuse



N达勒姆.H.—According to research from 澳门葡京网赌游戏’s Crimes against Children Research Center, 在美国,16%的年轻人都是年轻人.S. have experienced at least one type of sexual abuse online before the age of 18.

研究, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, is the first comprehensive 研究 to look at multiple forms of child sexual abuse online. 的 national survey sampled over 2600 young adults between the age of 18 and 28. It found that 62% of the perpetrators of online sexual abuse were acquaintances from their offline life, 其中大多数是现任或前任亲密伴侣. 几乎三分之一的罪犯年龄在18岁以下.

“的 prevailing image of online sexual abuse is that it mostly involves stranger predators who stalk kids with technology,大卫·芬克霍尔说, 社会学教授,CCRC主任. “但现实是非常多样化的. It can include people from their face-to-face life including boyfriends who non-consensually misuse sexual images; adults they know who through social media try to draw them into illegal relationships; and some youth who earn money by selling self-made sexual images online.”

的 研究 counted a variety of these abuses including being groomed online by an adult, 成为复仇色情作品的受害者, sextortion or nonconsensual sexting or engaging in online commercial sex. Rates of online childhood sexual abuse were particularly high for girls (23%) and transgender or gender fluid children (20%). 每13个男孩中就有一个报告接触过.

“It’s promising that many schools and organizations are eager to provide online safety information to children these days,芬克霍尔说. “But kids need more than just warnings about interacting with strangers or not giving out personal information. 的y need advice about how to judge the trustworthiness of friends and acquaintances and how to recognize and refuse inappropriate requests.”

这项研究的合著者包括希瑟·特纳, 社会学教授和迪尔德丽·科尔伯恩, 研究生.

Funding for 研究 was provided by the National Institute of Justice, 研究, 联合国发展和评估机构.S. 律政司. 的 CCRC has been conducting research on online offenses against children for over 20 years.

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