
校园里的许多办公室都在策划活动,但往往需要一些帮助. 大学典礼及活动 within the Office of 校友关系 has experts who have gathered a variety of resources designed to guide you through the process of planning your event. Below you will find a helpful step-by-step list of action items and additional resources for more in-depth event planning assistance.


外联和参与办公室, 学生无障碍服务, 以及社区办公室, 公平与多样性最近完成了一项在线调查, self-paced module in Canvas to support those looking to foster more accessibility and inclusion at events. Planning an Accessible Event walks the participants through important considerations in the pre-planning stages of an event including: considering food intolerances, 代词的使用, 辅助技术, 和住宿. This is the foundational program which will continue to evolve and build to incorporate other aspects of designing and delivering inclusive events across campus.



For successful event planning, it is wise to start no later than twelve weeks in advance. Starting early will give you enough time to contract with the 大学 services and outside vendors you may require. 您可以在页面底部找到常见供应商的列表. The event planning guide and toolkit are downloadable resources that dive a little deeper into event planning than the step-by-step guide below.





Good event planning begins with knowing what you are trying to accomplish. Clearly define your goal as it will be invaluable as you move through the planning process. 您希望您的客人有什么样的体验? 需要什么样的环境/氛围? Having a clearly defined goal can also help you avoid unintended growth and expansion of the event.

  • Create an invitation list based on your identification of the audience. 审查 the invitation list with designated host/stakeholders and/or supervisor to ensure no one is excluded or unnecessarily included.
  • 设置邮件日期和回复日期的截止日期. (我们建议在活动前6 - 8周寄出邀请函.)
  • 设计邀请包括谁,什么,在哪里,何时和如何. (记住停车信息和方向). 包括回复邀请的联系方式和截止日期. 联系 UNH印刷服务 为指导,如果需要的话. 通讯及公共事务(注册会计师) may be available to help with the design work of an invitation. 他们也在自己的网站上提供了许多DIY资源 网站.
  • 设置您的注册页面. 注册系统有几个可用的资源. eVENTS和Eventbrite是常见的选项. 保存日期登录页面模板
  • It is also important to consider what services may be required to ensure everyone is able to participate e.g. 无障碍需求,或美国手语(ASL)翻译.
  • 不要忘记利用所有的营销渠道来宣传你的活动. Social media and more traditional marketing channels are great options for marketing on a college campus. 营销资源

  • 一定要清楚地了解你的预算.
  • 你知道你的活动的每个方面需要估计多少钱吗? i.e. Venue, audio-visual equipment, 椅子, tables, promotional materials, staff, security, etc.
  • Make arrangements to establish encumbrance numbers through your BSC contact or discuss using your P-Card for off-campus purchases.
  • If funding is tight, consider seeking a co-sponsor to provide additional collaboration and funding. This will require clear expectations and open communication between you and your potential co-sponsor.
  • 预算模板

Check the UNH academic calendar to ensure your event does not conflict with any major 大学 holidays or events. 主日历

  • 审查 主要研究场所 确定哪个空间最能满足您的活动需求.
  • Classrooms, academic lecture halls, and auditoriums can be reserved through the 注册处.
  • MUB中的空间可以通过a来预留 MUB调度办公室.
  • Outdoor events on the UNH campus are required to go through the Event Permitting Process. 这可以通过WildcatLink完成. This is the only way to reserve an outdoor space and alerts all of the proper departments (such as police, 火, 你的活动的设施. It is also important to take into consideration tent set up and breakdown for outdoor events when reserving outdoor space. 设施 will determine if a Dig Safe needs to be done prior to tent installation.

  • 联系 联合国大学会议和餐饮 为您预订活动并提供餐饮服务.
  • 订单登记表, 椅子, 保管的清洁, 需要与其他视听设备联系 保健设施.
  • 准备服务请求(请求服务模板) for all campus partners and vendors to be sent 1-2 weeks prior to event to confirm services and provide contact information and event setup/breakdown details.

这取决于你的活动规模, you may need additional volunteers to help ensure your event goes smoothly. Check within your department for volunteers as well as with volunteer-based 校园学生组织.

  • 生成节目内容:确定主题/主要演讲者, clarify message and assign responsibility for program delivery among 演讲者. 同样的, 明确学生的角色, and keep key administrators "in the loop" through systematic updates and communication.
  • 考虑该活动是否需要打印的节目单. 联系 UNH印刷服务 如有需要,可作指引.
  • 确定您是否需要为观众创建姓名标签. 名称标签模板
  • Determine if you will need table cards for seating arrangements, if you are having assigned seating.
  • 定义物理空间:配置座位安排和分配, 提供预留座位的标志, request service from audio/visual department if technical support needed, 确认停车位, 如有必要,订购绿色植物和鲜花.
  • Determine how to conclude the event: What do you want your audience to walk away with? 信息? 事件的纪念品? (大多数活动以演讲开始,以招待会结束.)
  • 开发一个“事件流”是很有帮助的. This document breaks down your program by the minute so that all parties, 主机, 演讲者, 等等都在同一页上. 事件流模板
  • Remember to send a "thank you" to the people who helped you with the event – especially the 演讲者 in your program.
  • 如果这是一个反复发生的事件, be sure to hold debrief meeting after to discuss what went well and what could be improved upon for next year.
  • 注册列表模板
  • 事件包清单


寻求更多的帮助来策划你的活动? 联合国大学会议和餐饮 为UNH和非UNH成员提供活动策划支持. For a small fee, services provided by 联合国大学会议和餐饮 include:

  • 场地租赁
  • 菜单选择
  • 登记和名牌
  • 项目
  • 视听规范
  • 电子邮件通信
  • 可提供额外住宿



Should your event include a complex programmatic component, such as attendance by dignitaries (i.e. President Dean, political figures, USNH Trustees, President's Cabinet members, celebrities, etc.) or is very large in scale, the experts within 大学典礼及活动 are here to help. The event proposal form is a tool utilized to support and partner with colleagues across the 大学 for events such as these. 请在活动日期前至少16周提交所有提案. 一旦事件被审查,团队成员将与您联系.


问题/服务请求 部门 电话号码
邀请 & 程序设计 通讯及公共事务(注册会计师)
印刷/标识 印刷及邮递服务
邮件 印刷及邮递服务
AV设备(麦克风、音响、视频等.) 视听服务
布置(桌椅、讲台) 设施
菜单/餐饮 会议及餐饮
停车 停车服务
媒体关系 媒体关系
悬挂横幅或招牌 设施
现场清理 设施
电力需求 设施
帐篷租赁服务 马歇尔租赁
运输/航天飞机 运输服务
主要研究横幅 校友关系

额外的问题? 请联系Megan Brunelle '10 '11G at 梅根.brunelle@主要研究.edu or (603) 862-0021.