Flow Cytometer Analyzer - 正欲 FACSCalibur

The 正欲 FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer is a four-color, dual-laser, bench-top system capable of cell analysis using forward scatter, 边撒, and detection of fluorescence in four distinct color regions: > 670 nm (deep red), 653-669 nm(红色), 564-606 nm(橙色), and 515-545 nm (green). The unit has a Mac G4 host computer, and most instrument functions are computer controlled.

UNH's 正欲 FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer on a desk.

The unit has two lasers for exciting fluorochromes: an argon laser, which emits sapphire-colored light at 488 nm, and a red diode laser emitting light at 635 nm. This unit is best suited for the analysis of aqueous suspensions of cells or particles with diameters between 1 and 50 um (microns). Ideally samples should contain 500,000 cells or particles per mL. Sample consumption can be varied between 12 uL/min and 60 uL/min, and so small samples can be analyzed relatively easily. All samples to be run should be non-toxic (given the present instrument siting) and be completely fixed (cells should be dead).

制造商:                正欲
模型没有.:                        Facs-Calibur
Year of manufacture:  2000
收购:                2002
地点:                           帕森斯W118
规格:               Fluorophores are excited at 488 nm or 635 nm with subsequent emitted fluorescence collected at various wavelengths

Principal scientist: 马克汤利。

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Phone:(603) 862-2790


$47.00 /小时协助
 $4.00/hour   unassisted

Non UNH academic Rate: 
$94.00 /小时协助
 $8.00/hour   unassisted

$150.00 /小时协助
$100.00 /小时无助的